We are accredited to ISO 14001:2015, the internationally agreed standard that sets out the requirements for improved environmental performance through more efficient use of resources and reduction of waste.
At the heart of our identity as a print manufacturer in the aviation industry is a profound dedication to Eco-Awareness. We proudly present our annual Carbon Emissions Report to transparently share the strides we're making in reducing our environmental impact.
Corporate Carbon Footprint Reporting 2023
These guiding principles are a testament to our dedication to sustainability
Beyond our operational efforts to curtail emissions, we also engage in greening initiatives, such as planting thousands of trees annually. This practice extends to our tradition of gifting trees to our loyal customers each Christmas, symbolizing our joint commitment to a healthier planet. Our actions are steps toward a more sustainable future, reflecting our promise to nurture the environment that sustains us all.
This report was prepared, adhering to the foundational principles of Adequacy, Integrity, Consistency, Accuracy, and Transparency. -
Principles of Commitment
Select appropriate resources, sinks, and reservoirs for greenhouse gases (GHGs), along with data and methods that align with our specific needs.
Include a comprehensive account of all relevant GHG emissions and removals.
Facilitate meaningful comparisons of GHG-related information to enhance understanding and decision-making.
Strive to minimize deviations and uncertainties in GHG accounting to the greatest extent possible.
Disclose sufficient and pertinent GHG-related information to ensure transparency and accountability.
Direct and Indirect Emission Sources (C5.2)
Passenger Vehicles (S3-Cat3): Emissions from company-operated vehicles.
Water Supply (S3-Cat4): Emissions associated with the provision of water.
Water Treatment (S3-Cat4): Emissions from the treatment of company-used water.
Material Use (S3-Cat4): Emissions related to the materials consumed by the company.
Direct and Indirect Emission Sources (C5.2)
Waste Disposal (S3-Cat4): Emissions from the disposal of company waste.
Business Travel - Air and Land (S3-Cat3): Emissions from air and land travel required for business purposes.
Freighting Goods (S3-Cat3): Emissions from the transportation of goods for the company.
Hotel Stay (S3-Cat3): Emissions from employee accommodations during business travel.